Chief Instructor & Examiner Chris Clarry Shihan 8th Dan.
Official U.K Website

Yoseikan Karate Association

All Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Schools are given what is known as Dojo Honsoku (School Rules) by the Master of the school.
Please familiarise yourself with ours, as these rules are a condition of your membership licence with us.
Students Rules of Attendance.
1. We require 100% commitment from you, in both your attendance and dedication.
Yoseikan is a complex martial arts system which can only be studied effectively with consistency of attendance.
Consider this before joining us for we have no desire to embark on a fruitless journey with you.
2. Your YKA membership Licence remains the property of the Yoseikan Karate Association and is linked to your monthly
or termly payment tuition fee payments
Club Affiliation fees are charged annually.
3. All grades, ranks and titles are only valid whilst the student is an active member (see rule 1 & 2)
all grievances must be submitted to the associations admin team.
4. Your Dojo fees are to be paid before each course or group of lessons commence,
for the head dojo this typically by the 30th of each month for the month ahead,
no fees are carried over as refunds are not issued for missed sessions, membership licence fees will be revised annually.
5. Your membership licence does not entitle any member to teach. represent or perform Yoseikan Karate in any other matter outside of an affiliated dojo, irrespective pf any ranks held and all instruction is to be under the direct supervision of the chief Instructor of this association.
6. Students will undertake periodic assessment by the chief instructor to assess the learning structure needed for each individual students need.
7. Selection for grading is made according to the following criteria, time of service, regularity of attendance, improvement and attitude, poor attendance will ultimately impact on your progression and will be considered at renewal time.
8. Members are required to take full responsibility for their actions inside and outside of our dojo's,
members found to be be behaving inappropriately or misusing the skills taught to them will be discharged and stripped of all ranks.
9. Instructors will comply with this associations black belt dan grade criteria, hold the appropriate level of public liability and professional indemnity insurance and hold an up to date enhanced DBS check dated within the year of the current membership licence.
Instructors will also be annually assessed by the chief instructor to ensure teaching standards are maintained at the highest standards so as to encourage the future development of our art.
10. It will be the aim of this association to foster good relations between the United Kingdom and Japan,
in an attempt to educate the British people in traditional Japanese culture and arts.
This association will endeavour to cultivate the true spirit of Karate - Do by following traditional ethics.