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Chris Clarry.  Shihan 8th Dan.

Chief Instructor & Examiner for the Yoseikan Karate Association U.K

Full Time Professional Martial Arts Instructor

Personal Trainer.

Sports Therapist.

Practitioner of Traditional Japanese Complementary Therapies.

About our Chief Instructor.


Chris Clarry began his training in Yoseikan back in 1968 at the age of 8 years old,

under the guidance of the founder of the Original British Karate Federation (Founded 1956)  Mr V.C.F. Bell.

By official charters from Master Minoru Mochizuki 10th Dan the Founder of the Yoseikan System, Japan.

Yoseikan, the only Japanese Martial Art to combine a blend of techniques from Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido & Kobudo. 

10 years on Chris Clarry obtained his 1st Dan Black Belt in the art of Yoseikan Karate and then with the help of Vernon Bell secured his invitation to study in Japan.

Over the following years he obtained qualifications from Japan in a multitude of martial arts disciplines

returning numerous times over the years to continue his studies.

In 2001 following a final visit to Japan he was awarded his highest accolade, whilst at the same time

obtaining official  (Gaku) documentation bestowing him the rights as Vernon C.F.Bells official successor to the original Yoseikan United Kingdom Lineage.  

Vernon C.F.Bell 10th dan Hanshi sadly passed away in 2004.

Currently with over 57 years training behind him Chris Clarry currently holds the title & rank of Shidouku Shihan 8th Dan.

He is now the head of the Yoseikan Karate Association United Kingdom a Multi Disciplined Martial Arts School, which is protected under the laws governing United Kingdom Trade Marks. 

Reg No. UK00003025844.

Chris Clarry Shihan 8th Dan to this day continues to teach the art of Yoseikan Karate Kyokai

to men, women and children of all ages at classes, courses and seminars throughout the United Kingdom

working as a full time professional Martial Arts Instructor.

He holds enhanced DBS Screening clearance, Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance, 

has received safeguarding training for children's welfare, up to date Child Protection Policies,

offers a Personal Training Service and is also a Qualified Sports Therapist & Practitioner of Traditional Japanese Complementary Therapies.



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 Contact Shihan Clarry

Message by text:  07887 898159

©2001 by YOSEIKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION U.K.   The YKA is protected by the Laws Governing U.K Trade Marks reg No. UK00003025844

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