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About Yoseikan

The original yoseikan Mochizuki dojo in Shizoaka province,  Japan
Master Minoru Mochizuki

Since our founding, The YOSEIKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION U.K has had the opportunity to help countless students acquire foundational skills, develop new techniques and confidently move forward in their journey of discovery into the traditional culture of Japanese Budo Arts.


Yoseikan combines elements from Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido and Kobudo

( Traditional Japanese Weapon Training ) 

We provide a professional and established system with a wide range of courses to support students

from all ages, backgrounds and levels.


The First Yoseikan Dojo was established in the Shizouka province of Japan in the 1930's by the late

Master Minoru Mochizuki 1907 - 2003.
Minoru Mochizuki was the first Japanese Master to formally organise the budo arts

into a complete Mixed martial arts system which included Karate, Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu, Kobudo.
In 1954 Minoru Mochizuki taught the first European students following an invitation to teach for the founder of the French Karate Federation Henri Plee.
In 1955 Henri Plee invited Sensei Vernon C. F.  Bell to France to study Yoseikan with other representatives from Germany ( Mr Seydel ) Italy (  Mr Malatesti )
All were asked to consider setting up National Federations for the development of Yoseikan in each of their countries.
In 1956 with his authority from the Yoseikan ( Master Mochizuki ) Vernon C.F. Bell Founded the First British Karate Federation with the intention of forming a Governing Body for all Karate Styles in the U.K
In 1965 following correspondence with the Japan Karate Organisation ( Shotokan system )

Vernon Bell agreed to personally sponsor the first visit by a group of Japanese Shotokan Instructors.
although ultimately successful for the British Karate Movement, in particular for the Shotokan Karate system, this eventually marked the downfall of Vernon Bells British Karate Federation due to internal disagreements between 
Vernon Bell and his BKF committee members.

Vernon Bells dream of a multi style English Governing body faded away and his british karate federation was disbanded in 1966 with most of its members opting to join the newly formed British Shotokan Organisation.
As a result, In his later years Vernon Bell redirected his efforts back towards helping promote the Yoseikan System of Karate with the few loyal members he had left whilst also continuing his alliances with the many independent groups establish in Karate, Judo and Jujitsu throughout the U.K and Europe.
Without the help and guidance of Vernon Bell, Our Head Instructor Chris Clarry would never have had the opportunity to continue his Martial Arts studies in Japan consequently, obtaining his later martial arts qualifications from Japan.

Currently Chris Clarry has over 57 years Martial Arts training experience behind him 

and holds the rank & title of Shihan 8th Dan in Yoseikan Karate.

In 2001 Vernon C.F Bell Hanshi 10th Dan, the formally appointed United Kingdom representative for the Yoseikan system by Master Minoru Mochizuki in 1956

Presented Chris Clarry with official documentation entrusting him with the duty of continuing the original Yoseikan Karate system Lineage.
Chris Clarry to this day continues to promote his system of Yoseikan Karate in honour of his former mentors, 
actively teaching the students of the Yoseikan Karate Association U.K.

whilst encouraging affiliations with independent instructors throughout the U.K and Europe. 


Vernon C. F. Bell Hanshi 10th Dan sadly passed away on the 27th Feb 2004 ( 1922 - 2004 )
A True Pioneer of British Karate and a dear friend and mentor, whom will be sadly missed by us all from the
Martial Arts community from the early years.


Wikipedia Reference click here


Chris Clarry with the late Vernon C. F. Bell

Chris Clarry with Vernon C. F. Bell

Founder of the British Karate Federation 1956

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©2001 by YOSEIKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION U.K.   The YKA is protected by the Laws Governing U.K Trade Marks reg No. UK00003025844

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