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" Yokoso, Dozo Ohairikudasai "

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We currently offer Clubs, Courses and Seminars for Adults and Children

throughout the United Kingdom with affiliated branches nationwide

whilst continuing to foster relationships in Europe and the Far East.


Our U.K Affiliates are based in

Essex.  Hertfordshire. ​ West Midlands.  Manchester.
West Yorkshire.  South Yorkshire.  Lancashire.  Hampshire.
Kent.  Surrey.  Bristol.  Tyne and Wear.  Nottinghamshire.
Cheshire.  Gloucestershire.  Warwickshire.  Leicestershire.
Durham.  Cornwall.




Yoseikan Karate Head Dojo

Yoseikan Karate Association
Official U.K Website

Yoseikan Karate Association trade mark


©2001 by YOSEIKAN KARATE ASSOCIATION U.K.   The YKA is protected by the Laws Governing U.K Trade Marks reg No. UK00003025844

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